You probably made your decision to go vegan shortly after becoming aware of something that you had not previously realised. You may have suddenly become aware of how cruel humans are to animals. You may have just become aware of the carbon footprint of the meat and dairy industry. You might have just realised that fish spend their lives filtering toxic substances into a concentrated format in their little bodies. You may have just become aware of the health benefits of a vegan diet. Whatever the factor was that influenced you, it had probably been that way for a long time, but you just suddenly became aware of it.
This increased awareness will happen to you many times in your life. The more you think about something, the more aware of you become of subtleties, and then you begin to make more and more distinctions.
Often you will become aware of new distinctions because someone else points them out to. It is good to learn and increase your knowledge of a subject, but when you learn from someone else, fundamental truths can be flavoured by the other person’s ideas. It is always a good idea to think through things yourself and construct your own views because other people can complicate ideas. When you later discuss their ideas with someone else, you may find the explanation someone else taught you does not make sense.