We are vegans because we believe in the rights of all sentient beings to live in peace without exploitation by others. People become vegan for many reasons. There are obvious health benefits. There are direct and indirect environmental benefits. There are also large-scale economic benefits to mankind moving from a meat-based food chain to plant-based food production.
We see all these reasons as nice and positive, but our motivation is animal rights. We are vegans for the animals. We see the exploitation, farming, and killing of animals disgusting. We see the eating of animals as uncivilized, sadistic, ritualistic behavior left over from primitive times.
That said, we are really happy you are pursuing your vegan journey regardless of your motivation because less animals will suffer because of your decision to go vegan.
The word vegan means different things to different people. We see veganism as a highly ethical philosophy that places value on all life and is opposed to the exploitation of, or cruelty to, any sentient being regardless of species. Some people see vegan as a diet, and yet others see it simply as a type of cuisine. There is even a group of people that see it as a fashion choice which simply makes them feel special. Regardless, all these followings result in less exploitation of and cruelty to animals.
We have provided this resource for vegans to assist them in their vegan journey. We hope that regardless of why you have become vegan, that one day you will also come to see veganism as a highly ethical philosophy that places value on all life and is opposed to the exploitation of, or cruelty to, any sentient being regardless of species. And that you will choose to follow this way of life.
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