If you are new to veganism, you are probably new to vegan cooking. This means as that as well as learning how to eat like a vegan, you have to learn how to cook like a vegan. The good news is that it is much easier than you might think. Most new vegans that cook for themselves and their families every day did not produce ‘haute cuisine’ every night before they became vegan. Typically, they had a handful of recipes they knew well and commonly produced on a day to day basis. They liked what they cook. They felt the meals were reasonably well balanced. They could cook them quickly. They did not take a lot of effort, and they felt good about serving the dishes to occasional visitors who turned up unexpectedly.
A lot of new vegans suddenly feel they need to be able to cook complex recipes from ‘vegan cookery books’ every night now they have become vegan. You don’t! You just need to learn a new set of basic cooking skills which are not particularly complex. You are probably used to cooking vegetables, but up to now have not focused on how to get the best from them. With very little effort you can come up with a new set of vegan staples that you can produce on a day to day basis, that you like, that you feel are reasonably balanced, are easy to cook, take minimal effort, and you feel good about. Don’t make it hard on yourself by feeling that because you have gone vegan you suddenly have to massively increase your standard of cooking.