Whenever you make a decision, there is a reason you felt that you had to make it, and there is a reason why you chose the alternative you did. Making the decision to go vegan is no different to any other decision in this regard. You felt you needed to make a decision. You considered your options and you decided on one of them.
There are many reasons why people decide to go vegan. What were your reasons? Why have you decided to become vegan? Write your reasons down and think about them. For the first few weeks of your journey, read your reasons every morning before you start the day. You will most likely want to refine the wording you have used several times over the first few weeks. Keep refining your written statement of why you have gone vegan until you are happy with it, then commit it to memory. Get yourself to the point that if someone were to wake you up in the middle of the night from a very deep sleep and say, ‘why are you vegan?’ that you would recite your reasons immediately, without having to think about it.
Being clear on why you have made any decision is probably the most significant factor in your remaining committed to living by the decision. This applies to every decision you make in life. In many goal setting programs, you will hear this referred to as ‘The Power of Why’.